Talent Acquisition Partners
logo design & branding.
Anheuser-Busch InBev, the largest beer brand in the world, reached out to us with a need for logo design and branding for their internal recruiting department. TAP or Talent Acquisition Partners is A-B InBev’s internal placement department and as they have been growing they felt it was the appropriate time to introduce a new and fresh logo design along with branding.
That being said, we built a ton of options for a-b and really loved the pun in the acronym tap. Using this we creatively executed logo options that displayed or at the very least represented a beer tap handle.
Projects like these are incredibly fun as the creative exploration can go on for great lengths of time and in turn create many solid options to bring to fruition. Our main goal, especially in logo design and branding is to always visually and creatively execute the best logo designs and branding we possibly can.

use cases.