Dunnwood Green
logo design & branding.
Dunnwood Green is a new local development in Rochester, NY under the Morrell Builders catalog. We wanted to build a logo design lockup that presented Dunnwood for what it is—a prestigious and upscale community in the Rochester, NY area. Implementing attributes such as the compass which represents where the community sits in the upper north of Rochester, NY was important to Morrell in the beginning stages of the logo design process. As we worked our way through the options we played with selections with and without the compass.
This was such a fun project, we love our clients and we love them even more when they give us the freedom to take matters into our own hands. Believe us when we say, they were overly glad they did. This is a great example of full creative execution. This logo design truly represents this community in full. It is important to be sure your logo works well in the environment it is placed, and this Dunnwood Green logo does exactly that.
Morrell also needed a sign layout to place on the property until they finish building the Dunnwood Green Development. You can see the layout design with the rendering of Dunnwood Green coming in 2021 below.

sign design.

use cases.